Yovant Recruitment Services

Code of Conduct

Yovant Recruitment Services Code of Conduct


Yovant Recruitment is committed to conducting overseas recruitment in a fair, transparent, and ethical manner. This Code of Conduct outlines the principles and guidelines that employees, agents, and representatives of Yovant Recruitment must adhere to when engaging in recruitment activities abroad.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations

1. Legal Compliance: All recruitment activities must comply with the laws and regulations of the host country and international labor standards.

2. Non-Discrimination: Yovant Recruitment prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, or any other protected status.

Fair Employment Practices

3. Equal Opportunities: All candidates must be given equal opportunities, and selection decisions should be based on merit, skills, and qualifications relevant to the position.

4. No Forced Labor: Yovant Recruitment strictly prohibits the use of forced, bonded, or involuntary labor in any form.

5. Child Labor: Yovant Recruitment does not engage in or support the use of child labor. Recruitment activities must adhere to the legal age requirements.

Transparency and Communication

6. Clear Job Descriptions: Job descriptions must accurately reflect the responsibilities, qualifications, and working conditions of the position.

7. Transparent Recruitment Process: Yovant Recruitment will ensure that the recruitment process is transparent, and candidates are informed about the process, timeline, and relevant terms and conditions.

8. Honest Representation: All information provided to candidates, including but not limited to job offers, working conditions, and compensation, must be accurate and honest.

Protection of Workers’ Rights

9. Right to Freedom of Association: Yovant Recruitment recognizes the right of workers to freedom of association and collective bargaining as protected by international standards.

10. Working Hours and Compensation: Workers must be provided with fair wages, benefits, and working hours in compliance with applicable laws and industry standards.Confidentiality and Privacy

11. Data Protection: Yovant Recruitment will handle all personal and sensitive information of candidates with utmost confidentiality and in compliance with data protection laws.

12. Conflicts of Interest: Employees and representatives must avoid conflicts of interest and refrain from engaging in activities that may compromise the integrity of the recruitment process.

Reporting and Accountability

13. Whistleblower Protection: Yovant Recruitment is committed to protecting whistleblowers who report any violations of this Code of Conduct.

14. Accountability: Yovant Recruitment will investigate and take appropriate action in response to any breach of this Code of Conduct. This may include disciplinary action, termination of contracts, or legal action.

Review and Updates

15. Regular Review: This Code of Conduct will be regularly reviewed to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with changing laws and standards.

16. Updates: Yovant Recruitment reserves the right to update and revise this Code of Conduct as needed. Employees and representatives will be notified of any changes.

By adhering to this Code of Conduct, Yovant Recruitment demonstrates its commitment to ethical recruitment practices and upholds its responsibility to workers and the communities in which it operates.